German Airforce Gas Mask Found Lg PA Posen Airfield German Airforce Gas Mask Found Lg PA Posen Airfield German Airforce Gas Mask Found Lg PA Posen Airfield German Airforce Gas Mask Found Lg PA Posen Airfield German Airforce Gas Mask Found Lg PA Posen Airfield German Airforce Gas Mask Found Lg PA Posen Airfield German Airforce Gas Mask Found Lg PA Posen Airfield German Airforce Gas Mask Found Lg PA Posen Airfield German Airforce Gas Mask Found Lg PA Posen Airfield

German Airforce Gas Mask Found Lg PA Posen Airfield

Original German Luftwaffe gas mask and tin belonging to Gefreiter Borchardt Feldpost number 32752 (Lg PA Posen- Luftwaffenfliegerhorst Kreising) Luftwaffenfliegerhorst Kreisling was built after the invasion of Poznań, Poland. The main factory run by Focke Wulfe was built in 1941 and accompanying it was an airfield. It was at this airfield Gefreiter Borchardt was stationed and worked from Fliegerhorst Kommandantur E255/111 which was the air base command office. During the duration of the war this factory and airfield were subject to allied bombing runs which were successful in 1944. Factory operations were limited after late 1944 until it was captured by the red army on the 22nd January, 1945.

The gas mask is typical mid/ late war period fitted with a FE37 filter. Tin has most of its original paint with two leather straps fitted and a canvas strap. None of these are typical for the tin. A leather fitting has been bolted onto the side of the tin. This could have been to store it on a wall or possibly to be worn for easy access on the belt. Under the tin shows much of the information about Borchardt and where he was stationed. The spare lense tin has spare lenses and is WaA marked with the soldiers name again. The tin is dated 1940. A really nice set overall.

Code: 1069

200.00 GBP